What are the effects of a warm humid environment on materials?

The concentration of water vapours in the air is termed as humidity. These water vapours are in a gaseous state which cannot be seen with the human eye. These vapours cause fog, dew and precipitation. There are three different types of humidity which are: Absolute, Relative and Specific in the Humidity Chamber . However, in this blog, we’ll share some information on the effects of humidity on different materials. As humidity is the presence of water vapours in the air and excess, a warm and humid environment is created which may affect different materials used in daily life. Humidity affects different materials such as: Metals get corrosive and rust in high humidity. It May affect the electrical conductivity of some metals. Humidity affects wood in several ways. In high humid conditions, wood gets cracked, swell, warp or decay. However, splitting and shrinkage may occur in low humidity. It also affects plastics. Plastics get degraded in highly humid conditions. ...